2023 wedding packages

B a s i c


- 4 Hours of Coverage
- Complimentary Engagement, Bridal, or Boudoir Session
- Full Downloadable Gallery
- Print Release

S t a n d a r d


- 6 Hours of Coverage
- Complimentary Engagement, Bridal, or Boudoir Session
- Full Downloadable Gallery
- Print Release

D e l u x e


- 8 Hours of Coverage
- Complimentary Engagement, Bridal, or Boudoir Session
- Full Downloadable Gallery
- Print Release


How many pictures will we receive?

For a 8 hours coverage wedding, you likely will receive between 300 to 500 fully edited images. I always choose quality rather than quantity and that's why you could potentially get less than the number I gave above, or you could get more! All weddings are different, it is hard to say for certain.

Is a Second Shooter an option?

If you are having a large wedding and feel it is necessary for two photographers to be present on your big day, I will find the right match to join me on your big day. Second Shooters are paid an additional $50-$75 per hour (per experience) that they are present to help capture your big day.

How much do you charge for gas mileage?

I include the first 25 miles of travel in my package. After the first 25 miles, the gas mileage will be .50 per mile there and back.

When can I expect my wedding images?

You can expect your wedding album up to 6 weeks after the date. Don't worry though you will get a nice sneak peek! You will receive a USB flash drive as well, either through the mail or by meeting if you are a local.